Reminders for tomorrow’s field trip day to the Pumpkin Festival in Edmundston: – Buses leave at 10am sharp – Bring your permission slip and fee – IMPORTANT bring a bag...
PAMS news – October 1st, 2024 If you are not receiving weekly emails from teachers or school wide news, please call the school at 273-4760 to update your email address....
The PAMS Parent School Support Committee is looking for new members. This committee consists of a group of parents and community members who work in an encouraging, advisory, and collaborative...
ATTENTION: Parents/guardians of grade 8 students Please find below a letter from the Horizon Health Network, Public Health Immunization Team. Please call the school at 506-273-4760 if you would like...
Meet the teacher/ family night – Our annual family night is this Thursday. Please join us from 6-7:30pm for a hot dog while you meet the team at PAMS. There are...
The office is open until 4pm on Friday to pick up report cards and items left in lockers. All clothing left after Friday will be placed in donation boxes. New...
On behalf of the staff at PAMS, we wish all students and families a happy summer. The office is open until 4pm this week for parents to pick up report...
On Thursday, June 20, PAMS will have an early dismissal at 12:50pm in response to the significant heat. Please remember that the cafeteria is closed so bring a bag lunch....
INFORMATION Due to the heat advisory, the family picnic is cancelled for tomorrow. All students will be staying on campus for lunch unless parent pick them up. A bag lunch...