This is Kindness week at PAMS and many special events are planned including:

Monday is Jersey Day at PAMS!

  • Students will travel by bus to the RVCC to watch a staff versus student hockey game at 10am. The teams will be joined by members of the Grand Falls Rapid hockey team.


  • Students are invited to take part in a kindness challenge.  Challenge sheets will be available from Mrs. Grant at the office.
  • Grade 8 students will visit the UNB exhibit on Black history in Fredericton. Permission slips are due Monday.   

Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day at PAMS.

  • All students and staff are encouraged to wear pink to celebrate kindness.
  • “Walking tacos” will be sold for $5 at noon as a fundraiser for the YMCA grade 7/8 travel club.

Thursday is Pan African Day to honor Black History Month.

  • Students are invited to wear clothing in green, red, and black.
  • Attendance and kindness awards will be presented at the end of month assembly at 10am.

Friday is Comfy Day at PAMS.

  • Students will leave at 10am to travel to Grand Falls to go tubing. This is FREE, PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports) school wide activity.  Students must dress for outdoor play, bring a helmet, and bring a bag lunch. 
  • Tubing permission slip  

There is no school from March 3rd to 7th – enjoy your March break everyone. 

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